Monday, September 20, 2010

Mama Bear Vent

I've got a bit of a protective streak in me. A small streak that makes me go slightly beserk when my children are wronged. Combine that with the fact that I've got a child with autism that appears 'normal' and bad things can happen. I went to go pick up the babysitter tonight and two other children were playing in her yard. We know them from church and school. Issac always gets SUPER excited when he sees people he knows (and he's loud to begin with). He's literally hanging out the car window screaming, "Hi guys!". While I'm waiting for the babysitter to come out, one of the kids, who is older, tells that other one, "He's so weird." More whisperings that I can't make out because by now I'm giving her an ice glare. The babysitter comes out the front door and this girl tells the babysitter, "I'm so sorry you have to babysit him". I know he's loud. I know some things that he does are socially 'off'. But I just want to cry because he is the sweetest kid I know and he just wanted to say hi. He was so excited to see them and say hello. It's a good thing Issac was oblivious because if I had to spend tonight consoling his broken spirit, I would be even more infuriated.

What do I do? Do I talk to the girl? Do I talk to her parents? Do I realize that kids are immature and just let it go? Issac is totally unaware so do I just be happy that he thinks all is well? I really don't know what to do but the whole thing just eats at me. It's my worst fears realized - that he'll be rejected by those around him. Why is parenting so hard??


Amanda said...

Oh, Kylee! I'm so sad to hear that. Kids are cruel. I don't know what the best advice is because I'm not sure what I'd do in that scenario. A part of me suggests talking to the girl's parents (depending on her age, or her if she's old enough). I'd hope the parents would handle it the "right" way. Then again, even kids with awesome parents can be cruel to others they view as "different". I'm glad Issac seems to be oblivious to it now... :(

My thoughts are with you as you have to make a decision to say something or not...

Unknown said...

Seriously, some kids can be so mean! I see no problem with talking to the parents if she is at a proper age to address it. Hopefully in her home the parents are trying to teach them about all different people. And to be accepting regardless! Isaac is such a cute little guy! Good Luck with your decision! I will be keeping you in my thoughts!

Shyla said...

I'm so sorry. That's horrible. Perhaps there is a program that the school can put on to help children understand differences and see past them. Sadly even some adults have a hard time with people who are different.

Missy said...

Kylee I am super sad to hear that. Issac is one of the kids in this neighborhood that brings a smile to my face EVERY time I see him! If it were (or ever is) one of my girls I would want to know. It's NEVER ok to belittle someone with our words!

Jessica said...

I agree with everyone else, I am sorry that kids are cruel. It always worries me when I send my kids to school. I don't want their little hearts to get broken. It was fun to play with you the other night. Talk to you soon!