I still can't believe I have a 2nd grader. Where does the time go??
Issac is very, very happy to be back in school. He has a very sweet teacher and loves everything so far. We've already had our annual first-week-of-school mishap but at least it didn't involve the police this year. :) School pictures were last Wednesday and the day was crazy from the minute we woke up. We'd had softball the night before so we didn't get home until 11 so I didn't pick out his clothes or make lunch. In the morning, I was super busy with work and Issac had no clean clothes. We finally found something and then he spilled breakfast all down the front of his shirt. So I frantically searched for ANOTHER clean shirt. Long, crazy story short, he finally got off to school clean with his hair combed, teeth brushed and money for pictures and lunch. After school, I'm going through his backpack and find the picture order envelope STILL IN THERE. I gave him two checks. He turned in the lunch money but not the picture money. So our craziness was all for nothing... Oh well, retakes, right?
The same day was even more crazy because it was Evan's birthday. Several Geo Trax toys and trucks later, Evan is completely content. He told me, "I like being 4 - 4 year olds have more toys."
Finally, we are having issues with muskrats. Yes muskrats. We have now caught 2 in the last 3 days in our window wells. It's quite the ordeal to get a muskrat out of your window well. If you ever need to remove said animal, give us a call. We now have a 'method' - dog carrier and rope. :) They are kind of cute and the kids think it's awesome but I'm getting tired of playing fur trapper. And my hose got eaten! This is not even the first time we have had this happen - we had one at our Idaho house too! Anyone else had this happen or just us? Maybe we just attract them for some reason!
Hope everyone has a good Labor Day weekend!
the muskrats toe-nails are so gross! your boys are adorable. I can't believe how big they are. I haven't seen them since Gavin went to Primary Childrens and we stayed w/you guys. That is FAR to long to go w/out seeing you guys! Time flies so so fast. We need to get together again soon!
Happy birthday little Evan!! Sorry again for our lame, last minute present :) We will do better next year. I can't believe the muskrats. They look pretty gross! If I ever have a problem, I know just who to call!! :)
Wow life is crazy! Your boys are getting so big.
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